I remember that when post session hadn’t even started yet, I was already complaining. I don’t really like to complain, actually I get really annoyed with people that do, but I was mad that I didn’t get my first choice. There was one day that we had to check in with our post session class to get an overview about what it was going to be about. When I was sitting in class, I was more relaxed and calm. I must say that after hearing what the class was going to be about, I really thought it was going to be cool. I didn’t even want to complain anymore, because I did want to participate in WhysUp.
I feel like the reason why I was complaining about this class in the beginning, was because I am already a senior and I wanted to get my first choice. Also, I am not the most “social” person, and interviewing people that are complete strangers is not something that I would enjoy doing. However, during these weeks I feel like I have overcome my fears because sometimes I was put in a group where I had to step up and take the role of a of a leader. The way I overcame that fear was by just telling myself that I had to complete my work in order to get a passing grade so that m college acceptance would no be taken away.
Another thing that I feel showed how positive I was has to o with the Ice Breakers. Even in my senior presentation I say that I don’t enjoy games or activities like that. Throughout these weeks I’ve had to participate in Ice Breakers everyday, and I have not been negative about it. I have participated in those activities and actually enjoyed some of them, like the “red light green light” game. I feel like that is something that I wouldn’t normally have done, but in this class I felt more comfortable.
Because we went to many different places like Walnut Creek, Rockridge, Old Oakland, and much more I was given the opportunity to try different types of food. For example, when we went to Walnut Creek I tried Crepes for the first time. My favorite one was the fruit stuffed one with strawberries and chocolate. I had also tried a turkey one, but it wasn’t as good. Even though I had never heard of Crepes, I was still willing to try new things. When we went to Old Oakland, there was a Farmers Market there, which had many different types of food. A food that I tried was Indian food, which was very good. I don’t really know what it was but it looks like a type of tortilla with different types of food on top. I had never tried that type of food before, but I was willing to try new things, so that I would have a better understanding of their cultural food.
Overall, I feel like I was willing to try anything during this post session. In this class we did things that I have never done before. Even when we went to Lake Merritt for the pedal boats, I did that too even though I felt like I was going to collapse. It was actually very fun. I discovered that sometimes if you’re shy or scared of something, like interviewing people, but you still do it its even better. You are telling yourself in a way that you can do anything you set your mind to and that you really do feel like you accomplished something different. I feel like this has been a great experience even though there were moments that we were all too tired to walk, and what not. I feel like through his class I have become even more confident in talking and presenting to people. Well, it’s a combination of this class and all of the interviews that I had to go through to get scholarships and internships/programs. Finally, I want to add that I am so happy to graduate on Tuesday June 10th! I really can’t wait! Its time for everyone to create their own path =]
" Failures are divided into two classes - those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought." -John Charles Salak

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that's exactly how i was too at first, i did not wanna have this class & i was hella mad because i didn't get my first choice, but i guess it's cool now =]
I hella felt that way about the class. At first, when we first got the overview about the class I didnt really get the point. I didnt really understand why we were doing this. It kinda seemed like a waste of time. But now that we are almost done Im glad that I took this class. If it wouldnt be for this class I would have never created a blog, and i actually like it (I think I might keep it after the class is over) and I got to visit places that I had never been to. I had no idea that Old Oakland and the Oakland Rose Garden existed. This class actually ended up being really cool.
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