May 30th
Well, with this class we also visited Old Oakland, but I hadn't written the reflection because I was absent on the day that they did this in class. Anyways, I hadn't even heard of Old Oakland before but I had been there. It is close to downtown Oakland and Broadway. When we got there there was a Farmers Market, which I didn't even know we had in Oakland. My mom lives at Castro Valley, and they had those too. Well they have a Farmers Market there every Friday and I was shocked by that. The buildings in Old Oakland where of course Old, but very cool. They told us that those buildings can't be renovated because they are classics. Anyways, at the Farmers Market they were selling homemade ice cream to necklaces. A lady that we interviewed told us that everything they sold there had to be made my them or homemade as they say. People there were friendly, but of course there were some that just didn't want to get interviewed. When we were walking in Old Oakland, I did feel safe, and probably because of this environment that we were in. Besides that there is also a police station on Broadway which is close by that area.

Another cool thing about the Farmers Market was that they had a huge variety of food. Can you believe that people there were actually giving out crepes? Well, now I know what those are. We also had a lot of other food samples, like indian food, granola, and other good food. Now that I know about the Farmers Market I might go some time! After we were done with out interviews we walked, yes we walked to Lake Merrit to get in the peddle boats. It was fun, but we were very tired and the peddle boats definetly took more energy out of us! Overall it was a great experience, I now know that there is a part in Oakland, called Old Oakland =]
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